Evidence based

Stop Illegal Fishing develop evidence from our work throughout Africa in order to influence decision-making and change in fisheries policy.

We are building a better knowledge and understanding of the impact of IUU fishing and the issues surrounding it through assessing current knowledge, undertaking new research and analysing issues from an African perspective. A range of studies and analysis have taken place, considering the impacts of IUU fishing and linking these to the issues and solutions of IUU fishing in Africa.

Our series of case studies provide practical lesson learning and advice to African and international policy makers.

Through FISH-i Africa, the West Africa Task Force and the work of the Stop Illegal Investigative Unit we are uncovering the modus operandi of illegal operators.

This knowledge leads to:

  • more effective enforcement actions
  • more robust policy making at a national and international level, and
  • provides a solid basis for undermining the organised crime groups who are at the heart of much of the illegal fishing.

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Inaugural meeting of the Board of Directors of the SADC Regional MCSCC

On 20 – 21 June 2024 in Maputo, Mozambique, the Southern African Development...


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The Second meeting of the Operation Task Force of the MCSCC

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West Africa Task Force holds its 16th meeting

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SIF News Categories

What impact are we having?

The Issues

One in four fish in Africa is caught illegally, this threatens the sustainability of fish stocks, damages the ecosystem and deprives governments of income and people of livelihoods.

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Our Approach

Creating change by informing policy and practice, our hands on experience and investigative work means we are often the first to spot new trends and find ways to challenge these.


Our Initiatives

Illegal fishing is a complex issue that requires multifaceted responses. Stop Illegal Fishing are working with a range of organisations to bring about change.

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