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Photo manual for fisheries enforcement

Access to good quality photographs of vessels can enable us to identify where this is happening, and will enable national authorities to verify that the vessels they are licensing are using the correct documentation.

The use of multiple identities by a fishing vessel or incidents where multiple vessels share one identity, in order to circumvent regulation and avoid paying access fees has become increasingly apparent over recent years. The ability to analyse different photographs in order to identify vessels is crucial, and can lead to vessel identification from photos even when markings are not clearly captured.

Photographs can also indicate compliance issues such as incorrect gear and transhipment activity. The ability to take and analyse photographs are important skills and cameras are an essential tool for anyone involved in fisheries monitoring and enforcement including fisheries inspectors, observers, MCS staff , field staff , the Coastguard and community groups.


The Photo Manual for Fisheries Enforcement has been produced by Stop Illegal Fishing and TMT as part of their support to the FISH-i Africa and West Africa Task Forces.

Share your photos

Sharing photos of fishing vessels helps stop illegal fishing. Task Force members are encouraged to share vessel images via their communication platforms. Both Stop Illegal Fishing and TMT work to compile photos of the global fishing fleet. To assist this effort send your photos to: [email protected] and [email protected]