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Annual Report

Stop Illegal Fishing Annual Report 2023

Our objectives are to:

  • Provide evidence-based advice to feed into policy reform and improved decision making to fight illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in African waters.
  • Coordinate an African Voice to influence international fishery policy processes.
  • Facilitate communications and education to create awareness and advocacy for compliant fisheries.
  • Build, develop and assist with practical and effective cooperation tools, mechanisms, and processes to curb IUU fishing.
  • Provide capacity building to support the fight against IUU fishing.
  • Facilitate improved information and intelligence exchange to improve the effectiveness and timeliness of states’ responses to IUU fishing; and
  • Grow and support a network of professionals, experts, and champions to lead the African campaign against IUU fishing.

Through our work in these areas and through our ongoing involvement with policy development, and practical support of enforcement officers we aim to stop illegal operators in the fisheries sector. With the increased emphasis on growing the blue economy it is vital that the fisheries resources are protected and developed sustainably as a source of much needed revenue and nutrition.

SIF actively works in West and Southern Africa through a range of initiatives and with support from different funding sources.