First meeting of the Board of Directors of the SADC Regional MCSCC.
On 23 to 27 September 2024 in Johannesburg, South Africa, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat, and the Regional Technical Team (RTT) for the SADC Fisheries Monitoring Control and Surveillance Coordination Centre (MCSCC) organised the official hand over meeting to the Board of Directors (BoD) of the MCSCC.
The meeting follows significant developments in the SADC fisheries sector, including the adoption of the SADC Protocol on Fisheries in 2001, the Statement of Commitment on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing in 2008, and the entry into force of the Charter for the Establishment of the SADC Regional Fisheries MCSCC in April 2023. This Charter led to the appointment of the BoD of the SADC MCSCC, who will play a crucial role in providing strategic guidance aligned with the Charter’s objectives.
The BoD, approved by the SADC Ministers of Fisheries, serve as one of the MCSCC’s governance structures and are tasked with leveraging their expertise to set the strategic direction for the MCSCC. They report to the SADC Committee of Ministers responsible for Fisheries.
In the meeting there were introductions to the new members, the ratification of the inaugural meeting’s record, the report from the MCSCC Secretariat/IPMU, and discussions on reporting requirements. Governance issues, such as the draft governance manual, remuneration, and the draft TORs for the BoD, were also covered. Additionally, the draft Annual Work Plan and Budget, position descriptions, salary structure, and organisational structure were discussed, including commitments from the Chairperson of the MCSCC and partners to provide future support.
The Oceans Vigilance Project of the MCSCC, which is implemented by SIF and TMT co-supported the meeting with other MCSCC partners.