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How we are run

Stop Illegal Fishing Membership

SIF voting membership is open to anyone with a recognised expertise in African fisheries or in any other area relevant to African fisheries and useful to advance the Society’s purpose and objectives. Voting members have the right to elect or be elected as members of the Executive Committee, attend and vote at the General Meeting and receive society documents. Stop Illegal Fishing voting members are limited to 24 by the Constitution.

Stop Illegal Fishing Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is comprised of eight voting members elected at the General Meeting. The Executive Committee consists of a chairperson; two vice-chairpersons; a secretary, who is the SIF Coordinator; a vice-secretary; a treasurer; and two members. The duties of the Executive Committee include overseeing the activities of the Society, supervising the Secretariat; reviewing and approving work plans, reports and budgets, make, amend or repeal by-laws or regulations for the Society and settle any disputes and problems that may arise. 

Stop Illegal Fishing Secretariat

The Secretariat is provided by NFDS Africa and is responsible for the day-to-day running of the organisation, and the implementation of the projects and initiatives that Stop Illegal Fishing is undertaking or involved in.

Our constitution can be found here.